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Featured on Flowerona

It seems like the summer is gaining pace and somehow we have ended up in July. Every first of the month as a child it used to be 'pinch punch the first of the month' and something about white rabbits.. I never really understood it. But for me the 1st July this year, it was like someone pinch me! The reason being, I was featured as Florist Friday on the Flowerona blog, which felt a little bit like a dream coming true!

Rona Wheeldon is the author of the incredibly inspiring 'Flowerona' blog, it is just full of the most incredibly inspiring posts, features and images to do with every aspect of the the floral world.

So it was a real honour when a few weeks back Rona contact me and asked if I would like to be interviewed for her Florist Friday feature and of course I jumped at the chance.

So if you would like to find out more about my journey with flowers and why I created the 'Martha and the Meadow' brand then please take a look at the interview here. I hope you enjoy reading it and see the passion behind the designs and our process.

Emma x

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